The latest chapter of ElfHaven (Chapter 10) is now available to read for free.
The latest chapter of ElfHaven (Chapter 10) is now available to read for free.
ElfHaven author's typographic logo.

Brought to You by

Julia Lindquist

Julia Lindquist lives in Seattle with her partner and their two cats. She works as an in-home caregiver by day and a graphic novelist by night.

She has plans for two more volumes of ElfHaven, a three-book sequel series, and a collection of juicy side stories delving into the back stories and growing relationships between the main characters.

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The Origin

“Growing up in rural Montana, my parents always knew where I was; in my room, at my desk, drawing. I have always had a passion for telling stories with pictures. I knew at the young age of 12 that I wanted to share my art with the world.

Twenty years and two bachelor degrees later, I began work on ElfHaven. I'd spent the year of 2019 filling sketchbooks, flushing out my characters, and building them a world where they could have their adventures.

ElfHaven has been one of the biggest learning experiences of my life. Being a one-woman show on such a large project has taught me that there is always room for improvement. However, for the sake of actually finishing a project, sometimes you have to say, "good enough."

The goal with my art has always been to inspire creativity in others. My hope for ElfHaven is that it will provide a common ground for compelling conversation. How does ElfHaven differ from our world? How is it similar? My wish is that every reader feels welcome and can relate to some aspect of the story.”

ElfHaven author's digital signature.