The latest chapter of ElfHaven (Chapter 10) is now available to read for free.
The latest chapter of ElfHaven (Chapter 10) is now available to read for free.
ElfHaven author's typographic logo.
ElfHaven typographic logo.

To Fly is Freedom. To Fall is Death.

Explore ElfHaven

The Floating Isles of Mara

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Craggy islands float above a dead and diseased planet named Mara. Humans, elves, and dragons live together on these islands as their last sanctuary after an unknown catastrophe rendered the world unlivable.

The floating isles of Mara depicted on a world map.
The World Map

As you float above Mara, you can't help but feel a sense of awe and wonder. Even amid such desolation, the beauty of these floating islands is undeniable. It's a reminder that even in the darkest places, there can be moments of breathtaking beauty.

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The Denizens of Mara

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In this world of magic, there is peace among the three central races. Their differences are celebrated and interconnected to create a thriving and progressive society.

A symbolic emblem representing humanity, featuring a telescope as a powerful symbol of curiosity, knowledge, and science.


Humans are the most diverse race, with many cultures and traditions. They are adaptable and known for their ingenuity and ambition.

An elven emblem adorned with the revered Tree of the World symbolizes the elves' deep connection with nature and their reverence for cycles of life.


The elves are graceful and ethereal, deeply connected to nature. Their knowledge of magic is renowned throughout the land.

A draconic emblem depicting a star adorned with wings symbolizing the attributes of magic and wisdom.


They are ancient, powerful, and revered as fearsome foes and powerful allies. Some believe that they are a physical manifestation of magic.

A standoff unfolded as a group of elves and outlaws faced each other, glaring from opposite sides.
Call to Flight
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World Infused with Wonders

Join Artacane and Miru, and their comrades as they strive to protect their home. They must find a way to preserve peace and prosperity among the kingdoms of the higher hemisphere.

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